Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Back to Blogging

It's been quite some time since my last post and lots has happened. Here is an abridged version of how our lives have changed since February. I am going to start with a final baby bump photo. I am not sure how many weeks I am here... but I know our baby was born shortly after it was taken.

Jim and I had our baby shower April 14, 2012. It was a lovely shower! I felt so blessed to have so many friends and family members there. A huge thank you to Allie, Brittany, and my mother for planning and hosting the event. My mom took tons of photos on her camera, but here are a couple pictures of my Taylor buddies and me:

If I look slightly uncomfortable in these photos, it may have something to do with the fact that I was actually in labor! I did not get much sleep Friday because I was experiencing contractions all night. Then on Saturday morning, the day of the shower, I told Jim we might need to see the doctor. Around 10 am we left a couple of my friends at our house and told them we are going to see what our doctor thinks and will be back shortly. When we arrived our doctor told us that I was 1cm dilated and 80 % effaced. He said it was possible that I was in labor, but many women walk around 1cm dilated for weeks. Our options were to either go to the birthing center, or go home and see what happens. We obviously opted to go home. I was very excited to be heading home because I certainly did not want to miss out on seeing friends and family who had come from out of town. 

As was mentioned, the shower was fabulous! Thank you again to all of you who were there to help us celebrate. Then... two hours after the shower, the contractions seemed to be getting a little closer together and much more intense. I told Jim it was probably time to go back to the hospital. My mother, queen of the camera, has some great pictures of my face as we left their house. Unfortunately, I do not have them on my computer, but trust me when I say they fully capture the pain I was feeling. We arrived at the birthing center at 7:30 pm and had little Eliza Jean at 2:43 am that Sunday morning. 

Delivery Room 

I'm looking pretty comfortable here so I am guessing this is after getting the epidural: 

A good luck kiss before the pushing starts 

The pain scale
0 = no pain 

10 = worst pain imaginable 

It's a girl!

Meeting Eliza for the first time: 

Tears for both of us: 

7 pounds 4 ounces

Eliza is now 3 weeks old and has changed our lives so much. A family friend wrote in a card to me, "get ready to fall in love for the first time with your new baby, and for the second time with Jim". I feel like this is so true. I can't describe how much love I feel for Eliza. Children are truly a gift from God. While many days I feel unbelievably overwhelmed by how dependent this little person is on me, I am so thankful. I love seeing how much Jim loves her too. He is so protective and proud of his little girl. I am very impressed at how seriously he takes his new role as a dad. 

Thank you so much to our family and friends who have been so supportive and thoughtful. From gifts to meals, we appreciate you all so much! 

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