Friday, December 23, 2011

Baby T.

Two weeks ago Jim and I went in for our 20 week appointment. We were especially excited about this one because we knew we would get to SEE the baby again! We were not able to get a really good profile shot because the baby was so active while the pictures were being taken. Apparently it's not good to eat Lucky Charms before you go in because the baby reacts to sugar. It was fun to watch on the monitor, but unfortunately made for some unclear shots. Everything looks normal at this point. The baby is developing as it should be. Here are some more pics of the baby- hopefully you are better at deciphering ultrasound pictures than I was :)

Baby flipping: feet are at top and head on bottom

Another flip: you can really see the spine in this one

Little foot:

Jim's brother-in-law pointed out that the baby is "T-Bowing" in the shot. For all the Broncos fans out there...

These 3D shots totally creep me out! If you look hard, you can see the little face!

Skinny little legs (definitely not from my side of the family). This picture doesn't reveal the sex of the baby according the the technician - we want to be surprised.

Little profile shot: 

Monday, December 12, 2011

Happy Holidays!

This year Jim and I spent Thanksgiving with my side of the family. We decided to contribute by making a pecan (pronounced like you're from the South) pie. Here's Jim pulling it out of the oven. The crust could have looked a little prettier, but it was our first time :) .

 We also decided to do a little Christmas decorating since we will actually be around to enjoy it this year. We are spending Christmas with Jim's family so we will be local!

Jim and Gracie on our front porch:

We don't have much room for a real Christmas tree in our little home, so a fake table-top tree was all we could fit. I like uniform ornaments (boring I know), but while I was away Jim pulled out his personal ornaments that he's collected over the years to add. Apparently we have all the Chicago sports teams represented with the exception of the Blackhawks.

In other news, I got a bit of a surprise two weeks ago at school. I was teaching like normal, and felt the baby moving around! It is so exciting to feel the baby kicking. It is a constant reminder that another life is being formed. Jim has been able to feel the baby kick now too. We go to the doctor this Wednesday for our 20 week appointment. Hard to believe we are already halfway through!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


We want to backtrack 4 weeks before we found out about Baby T. Our wedding!

Instead of posting all sorts of personal/private information on Facebook, we decided to share (with those who care) via blogging. We know how difficult it can sometimes be to keep in touch with family and friends and sometimes a written update is much appreciated :).

Thanks again for those of you who came to our special day! We loved being supported by our friends and family. We feel so loved and blessed to have you in our lives. One of our favorite memories was looking around and seeing everyone having a good time.

If you were not able to make it, we would love to share some pictures. We have so many it is truly overwhelming. I will post a couple, but if you are looking for more let us know and we can give you the password to view the photographer's website. We have not ordered any professional photos yet because they are not released until January. We also have not ordered any photos because there are so, so many and hard it's hard to narrow anything down. Picking out photos has been on our "to-do-list" since the wedding. Procrastinators? Yes.

The following pictures are courtesy to Aunt Christine. Thank you!

The Wedding Party

My friend Allie making me look pretty :)

Cutting our cake

Sand Ceremony

Family Shot- Benson side (the professional photographer has the Thomson side) 

Bailamos Salsa!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Big News!

We're pregnant! Fast, right? It was hard for us to believe at first too. At this point we are going on 18 weeks and our sweet little baby is scheduled to arrive May 3rd. You can do the math if you want, but we were married a grand total of 4 weeks before our big surprise. And what a surprise it was! We are thrilled and nervous all at the same time. We have decided to wait to find out the sex. We've been told it's one those few wonderful surprises left in life so we will try to be patient. So far we've been to the doctor three times and things seem to be progressing well. We got an ultrasound at our first appointment (see baby at 8 weeks below), and are going in for our 20 week ultrasound in just a couple short weeks. The baby should look less like a dot and more like a human at that point, we hope.

In other news, we started this blog shortly after our wedding in hopes of sharing a few pictures. I apologize that the posts may not be chronologically correct! Try to bare with us.

First picture of Baby T.
15 weeks:
17 Weeks